Free Fat-Burning Keto Desserts Recipe Plus Special Discounts & Free Shipping

Unleash The Fat-Releasing Power Of Keto With A Deliciously Creamy Chocolate Drink

Brand New: Flood Your Body With Ketones
To Supercharge Your Metabolism, Reduce
Cravings, Improve Mental Focus, Athletic
Performance And More!

*Designed to support a ketogenic diet. Not for use with a standard diet.

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Unleash The

Fat-Releasing Power Of

Keto With A Deliciously

Creamy Chocolate Drink

Brand New: Flood Your Body With Ketones To Supercharge Your Metabolism, Reduce Cravings, Improve Mental Focus, Athletic Performance And More!

*Designed to support a ketogenic diet. Not for use with a standard diet.

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  • NO SOY

New Slimming Chocolate Promotes Keto

without the Frustrations…

My name is Dr. Melissa Newman. I got my doctorate from The University of Louisville, and I’m currently a professor at a research university in Ohio, where I’ve taught for 12 years.

I’m also a nutritionist and a certified fat loss coach… But the reason I’m here is not because of anything I learned in school, instead something I learned the hard way through personal experience.

And although painful and embarrassing, my story is important to hear because it shows just making one tiny change in eating actually made the difference between my body burning fat, or holding onto it.

After my first child, I struggled with weight loss. Before that, I was very active and never had any problems with my weight.

However, the fat that came on later in life just would not budge. The weight came on, and never came back off. I struggled to lose more than just a few pounds no matter what I tried. I spent thousands on weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem and gym memberships.

I even tried running on a treadmill, but being overweight, it puts enormous pressure on your joints. Not to mention the painful redness and inflammation that comes from workouts.

The problem with most diets is the relentless cravings. They all restricted what I could eat, and I would be hungry all day long. Who wants to live like that?

“How Being 85 Pounds Overweight

Led To An Unusual Discovery…”

Ultimately I would give in, and give up. The weight would come all right back even more than when I started. And once the fat came back I would feel horrible about myself, and I would comfort myself by eating more.

For the next 10 years, I struggled being between 60 to 85 pounds overweight. It affected my self confidence. Not wanting to see friends. Having no social life...

I remember one time I was shopping online at Old Navy, and there was a dress I really wanted. I looked at the chart, and I remember it was the first time I realized... I had to get the plus size.

I didn't want to see myself as “plus size”. Is that it, are my best years really behind me? Is this all there was to look forward to?

Another time I was getting a physical exam, and the nurse tried to put the blood pressure cuff around my arm and it didn't fit. She had to leave the room and come back with a special extra large cuff. It was humiliating…

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“The Moment I Realized Losing Weight

Was No Longer An Option...

But A Necessity”

I felt silently judged at restaurants when eating out. If people were talking and happened to look my way, I automatically assumed they were talking about me. My social life was a nightmare.

It affected my romantic life too. I felt unattractive, and unwanted. I even had problems having a baby... And when I finally did get pregnant, every expecting mom’s worst nightmare came true... I had a miscarriage.

I felt defective. Almost like nature doesn't even want me to reproduce. I couldn't take it anymore and losing my baby is what finally drove me over the edge. I said “I can't live like this anymore.” I've never felt so hopeless in all of my life.

It was at that point that I decided I was going to figure this out, or die trying.

“Keto Produces The Fastest,

Most Permanent Fat Loss,

But There Are Problems...”

Based on the available research, I knew that keto is the most effective, fastest way to start dissolving fat, and has the strongest science out of any diet out there. It’s also anti-inflammatory which might ease my achy joints and get rid of my migraines too.

1. Keto can be complicated. You must maintain a ratio of 70% fats to 25% protein to 5% carbs in order to stay in ketosis.

Without a pre-designed meal plan, this can be extremely time consuming and take a lot of planning throughout the day. Most people don't have that much extra time to devote just to food preparation.

It can also be hard to figure out what you can and can't eat. Plus many companies play games with labels. There's 56 different words for sugar that the big food corporations use and all 56 will kick you straight out of ketosis.

Not to mention, there are some vegetables that are OK, while others are not good. Even seemingly innocent foods like sweet potatoes are dangerous to someone trying the keto lifestyle.

2. The transition into ketosis can be uncomfortable.

It takes up to 2 weeks just to transition into keto. And during that time, folks can experience fatigue, low energy, headaches or even flu-like symptoms.

It takes an incredible amount of patience during these first 2 weeks. Cravings can spiral out of control, and you need the most strict discipline, even while feeling at your worst.

Many people never make it past this first phase of the diet. (However if you ARE one of the people who are doing keto, there IS a way of totally bypassing this phase... Keep Reading!)

3. You can't eat your favorite foods.

That's right. If you want to do strict keto, no more freshly baked bread before dinner, no more pancakes, no more pizza or pasta, no more fruit juice, soda, no more ice cream.

No more beer, more wine, no more potato chips, popcorn pretzels, hot dogs or hamburgers, or fried chicken. You see, in order to stay in strict keto, you need to keep your carbs under 20g per day. That's about what's in 1 apple, and nothing more.

And yes, there's some amazing meal plans out there that teach you how to prepare all of these things, but for most people, they simply lack the discipline and don't want to do the hard work required.

"The Magic Of Keto Comes From

Flooding Your Body With Ketones...”

When you restrict carbohydrates, your body will use up its reserves of glycogen – the ordinary fuel source of the body. Once this happens, body fat is shuttled straight to your liver where it's broken down into small molecules called 'ketones'.

However, these aren't just passive molecules that give you energy, Ketones are what are called 'metabolic signalers'. They send out signals, giving instructions to every single fat cell in your body.

In fact, ketones are responsible for all the positive changes associated with keto. In fact, ketones are actually your body's preferred energy source. They burn clean, and give you 50% more energy than glucose and are very good for your brain in particular.

Ketones control at least seven different cellular processes related to weight loss. For example, they reduce your cravings, and speed up your metabolism, and cause the instantaneous elimination of fat cells.

You'll find your mood to be more stable, and you don’t feel stressed as much. Your fat loss becomes faster and easier, for example you might find that you can have that occasional cheat meal and it won't throw off your progress.

New There's been a number of huge breakthroughs in ketogenic science over the past few years that have led to a formula that can literally save you months of hard work...

"Breakthrough Research Shows How Ketones

Promote Instantaneous Fat Release..."

You see, this biological shortcut changes the way your fat cells communicate with each other, sending out a body-wide signal that forces every fat cell in your body to burn itself as energy.

It's based on the metabolic loophole that's been recently discovered by research scientists John C. Newman and Eric Verdin, and has been validated by scientists at Harvard Medical and Yale School of Medicine.

The best part is this breakthrough helps you melt pounds from the inside out, attacking the deep 'visceral fat' otherwise known as 'heart attack fat' that surrounds your organs, to the flabby, unsightly visible fat that appears around your thighs, hips and belly.

It creates a powerful cascade effect that takes place at the cellular level, and is called 'instantaneous fat release' by some experts.

You'll soon be calling this your new secret weapon...

And unlike anything you've tried in the past, it finally eliminates those pesky cravings, restoring your personal freedom and confidence, and finally helps you drop that number on the scale for good, giving you that fat-burning, body-sculpting edge, melting fat from even the most stubborn areas of your belly, hips and thighs.

“What if You Could Get

The Benefits From Ketones

Without The Frustrations Of Dieting?”

  • What if you could reap all the benefits of ketones flooding your body, without the drastic restrictions and frustrations that come with the keto diet?
  • What if you could get all the appetite suppression, metabolism-boosting fat-burning energy, and all-day mental energy and focus?
  • And what if you could do all that just by deliciously sipping on a rich chocolate milk that reminds you of childhood? Or putting a spoonful of chocolate into your morning coffee... How about a creamy chocolate smoothie in the blender?

Introducing Keto ActivateTM

The World's First and Deliciously

Smooth Slimming Chocolate.

Scientifically formulated, Keto Activate is made from pure chocolate ketones that safely and gently force your body directly into fat-burning ketosis almost instantly.

Studies show Keto Activate can help you reach a state of ketosis within 30 minutes of your first sip, skipping months of hard work. And this shortcut also allows you to stay in fat burning mode 24/7 even if you go off your diet or have a cheat meal.

When you claim your supply of Keto Activate today, you’re getting an unfair advantage that’s going to generate jaw-dropping results quickly — while helping sustain ketosis for longer periods of time.

It’s not only the ultimate “cheat code” but also a high-powered accelerant for anyone already doing the keto diet.

Ketogenic energy usually involves consuming large quantities of fats, oils or MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides). Unfortunately, those kinds of fats can lead to gastrointestinal distress and only modestly increase blood ketone levels.

Unlike MCTs, Keto Activate completely bypasses the digestive system to rapidly raise blood ketone levels, without digestive discomfort.

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“The Secret Manufacturing Method Of

The World's First Chocolate Ketones...

You see, it's very difficult to create pure ketones to a very high manufacturing standard, and do it in a way with chocolate as the base.

A lot of other ketone supplements on the market taste bitter and not to mention they also can be filled with nasty additives. Plus many ketone products out there use a chemical base, and frankly, they're quite bitter tasting.

Not only did we figure out how to double the amount of ketones you're getting -- we figured out how to do it naturally using pure chocolate as the base. Our scientists at Konscious Keto have figured out how to blend luxuriously smooth rich and creamy chocolate with ketones, making Keto Activate the world’s first and only Chocolate Ketones.

So you end up with a magically smooth delicious chocolate drink, which can be heated as a rich hot chocolate, combined with coffee for an energizing mocha, blend it with berries for a rich creamy chocolate smoothie or with a tall glass of milk that tastes like Nestle's quik.

And you can use it anytime you need a metabolic boost - or simply need to crush some annoying cravings, in an instant.

You’ll love the rich, creamy dark chocolate truffle flavor.

  • When you use Keto Activate to instantly flood your body with fat burning ketones, you'll experience such a transformation that people can’t help but notice. You see, D-BHB ketones are metabolic signallers - they literally ‘instruct’ your cells to release their fat in order to be broken down and used for energy.

    And remember, Keto Activate is not available on Amazon or anywhere else online. We have proprietary manufacturing, and we have the world's only velvety smooth chocolate ketones, and it's our secret recipe. So you can't get this in stores, and it's not available anywhere else.

“Why People Have So Much Energy

On Keto Activate...”

People are always asking, why do I feel so much physical pleasure from drinking Keto Activate, is it some kind of drug?

The answer is, no there are no drugs involved. It's pure chocolate ketones, designed to directly boost your cellular energy throughout all systems of the body. Every system of the body is made up of cells, and all of those cells require energy to do their job properly.

There are cells that detoxify (lysosomes), and there are cells that repair and rebuild (macrophages). There are immune system cells that fight disease (neutrophils) and cells that kill cancer (lymphocytes). Your brain, your liver, your kidney, your muscles, your pancreas, your heart and every other organ are all made of cells.

In every cell of your body, there's a battery. That battery is called the mitochondria.

When the mitochondria run out of energy, your cell can't do what it's supposed to do. Your sleep becomes less regenerative. Systems of the body start breaking down...

According to Dr. Bruce Cohen, infamous mitochondrial disease expert, "Mitochondria are to the cell of the body what a car engine is to the car itself.”

Maybe your heart can't pump as well. Maybe your muscles are weak. Maybe your brain cells have less energy and you're experiencing brain fog. Maybe your liver or kidneys can't detoxify like they used to.

You could say that all disease and visible signs of aging are actually mitochondrial breakdown. When a system of the body fails, it simply means the cells of that system have run out of energy and can no longer do their job.

A 2018 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that ketones are not only superb fuel sources for mitochondria, but are legitimate signaling molecules reducing inflammation, supporting immunity and T-Cells, improving cognition, increasing body-wide cellular energy, and boosting athletic performance.

Furthermore, a 2019 study published in the Journal Neurochemical Research demonstrated that ketones improve mitochondrial bioenergetics and biogenesis - that is, amplifying cellular energy, and boosting the creation of new mitochondria.

It might be the most powerful form of chocolate on the planet!

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“Here's What Happens When You Flood Your Body With Ketones...”

Instantly flooding your body with ketones, Keto Activate skips the 2-week process of getting into keto the hard way. Ketones are your body’s preferred fuel source, and just like mini batteries powering up all of the different systems and cellular processes of the body, you’ll feel absolutely amazing.

The reason why ketones work so well is, they literally train your BODY to heal itself, repair itself, operate more efficiently, that's the incredible reason why the benefits are long lasting.

Ketones are the 'great teacher' of many kinds of cells in the body.

Accelerated Metabolism, Sustainable Fat Loss and A Lean, Trim Waistline

Accelerate fat-burning by metabolic upregulation. Keto Activate puts you straight into the fat-burning state known as ketosis, without the 2 week waiting period. Before you know it, like most of our customers, you might be fitting into much smaller clothes bursting with confidence in your new slim, trim, and sexy body.

You're going to crush those annoying cravings. Keto Activate is a powerful, yet delicious way to curb cravings and suppress your appetite. A 2018 Oxford study showed that ketone supplementation successfully decreased 'ghrelin' the hunger hormone, squashing your cravings, reducing hunger and restoring your sense of self control.

Use it as an 'undo' button for that cheat meal. Keto activate is that 'get-out-of-jail' card so if you find yourself slipping up or overindulging on a holiday, just mix up a glass of a sweet chocolatey drink to send you straight back into fat-burning ketosis in just 30 minutes.

All-Day Mental Energy, Focus

And Enhanced Athletic Performance

Keto Activate Will Help You Get Stuff Done And Meet Deadlines

Many customers will sit and sip on these chocolate ketones while working on a project, whether it's for school, or work loving the mental clarity, laser-beam focus, and clean mental energy they get from Keto Activate.

Boost Your Brain For An Unfair Advantage In Your Work

D-BHB enhances expression of a molecule known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is associated with cognitive enhancement as well as reduced anxiety and depression. D-BHB also helps increase the synthesis of GABA—an inhibitory neurotransmitter that we need for proper brain health.

Crush Your Next Workout

Keto Activate just might be the cleanest, best tasting pre-workout you've ever tried. Even if you hate working out, Keto Activate might just make you feel like a superhero for the afternoon. That's not all – A scientific study of two different groups of professional cyclists demonstrated that ketones boost fat loss even more when compared to exercise alone!

Feel Good With Nature's Antidepressant

In a recent landmark collaboration between several Japan Universities with the Yale School of Medicine demonstrated that ketones show powerful antidepressant and anti-anxiety-like effects because they prevent inflammation in the brain. That’s not all – In fact, both dopamine and serotonin levels are determined by the NADPH/NADP ratio, which is markedly increased by D-BHB.

That means while sipping on this deliciously creamy chocolate drink you'll not only be burning fat, you'll also enjoy an incredible lift in your mood and feeling of well being.

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Soothe Achy Joints, Improve Your Gut,

Brain And Heart Health, and More...

Help Ease Joint Pain - A breakthrough study at the Yale School of Medicine determined that D-BHB Ketones Deactivate and suppress the “Neutrophil NLRP3 Inflammasome” – The main inflammatory cell which causes joint flare ups, joint destruction, intense pain, and fever in people with gout.

Eliminate Zombie Cells - DNA damage can cause cells to go into a ‘zombie-like state’ where they keep multiplying, creating autoimmune problems and other chronic diseases. A study at the Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine at Georgia State University showed that ketones can flush out these DNA damaged 'zombie' cells before they spread and become a problem.

Flush That Liver Fat - Healthy participants following a low-carb diet for 10 days saw significant decreases in liver fat and weight, some in just three days. When obese participants with NAFLD followed a keto diet for two weeks, they lost over four percent of their body weight and reduced liver triglycerides by 42 percent.

"Free For A Limited Time: Fat Burning Desserts: 17 Delicious Ways To Enjoy Keto Activate

And for a limited time, every order of Keto Activate comes with our exclusive recipe guide called "Fat Burning Desserts: 17 Delicious Ways To Enjoy Keto Activate."

  • Mix up a delicious dark chocolate truffle flavored smoothie after lunch or dinner when you really want a dessert but don't want that dessert going straight to your belly or thighs. You can enjoy it with berries and sweet keto whipped cream.
  • Prepare a keto-friendly chocolate cake that packs a Ketone Punch you can use for dessert to not only crush your cravings but also boost your metabolism and deepen your ketosis at the same time.
  • You can even use Keto Activate to create smooth and creamy dark chocolate truffles. You can enjoy these truffles throughout the day totally GUILT-FREE, knowing you're boosting your metabolism.
  • Mix in a scoop of keto activate into your morning coffee to kick start your day, to dive straight into work, or simply just give yourself the gift of a 'feeling good' first thing when you wake up.
  • You’ll love the nostalgic flavor of chocolate milk just like chocolate milk you enjoyed as a kid -- but this one is health boosting, and keeps your cravings in check.

This recipe guide is FREE when you claim your supply of Keto Activate so you can enjoy delicious chocolate truffle flavor every day without ever getting bored.

Mix up a creamy chocolate smoothie -- or prepare a sweet and delicious mocha coffee for all day energy or even a decadent chocolate milk - whatever recipe suits your mood.

Keto Activate is the ultimate “cheat code” that can instantly transport your body straight into the wonderful state of ketosis — almost instantly...

Even if you're doing keto -- but you slip up and have a cheat day — Keto Activate will help bring your body back to that magical state of ketosis.

"Try Keto Activate, Experience A Supercharged Metabolism And LOVE What You See In The Mirror... Or You Don’t Pay a Dime..."

And your purchase today is 100% guaranteed. That means for whatever reason within the next 90 days you can return your tubs of Keto Activate for a full refund -- even if they're completely empty. I want to make your decision to get your hands on Keto Activate 100% risk-free.

Twist open the tub, take in the aroma of sweet cocoa flavor. Try a scoop in your morning coffee for a jolt of energy to start your day. Stir some in a tall glass of milk to crush those late afternoon cravings. Or simply mix a scoop with some pure clean water, for nearly instant energy and an upsurge in your metabolism.

You're going to love how it makes you feel. If not, simply let us know by giving us a call, or simply sending an email to and our friendly support team will help you with whatever you need.

Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping

Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping


“I’ve consistently lost pounds.”

Keto Activate helped me stay on track with the diet. Since starting the Keto Activate program, I’ve consistently lost pounds, had better sleep, more energy, better focus, and my mood has improved.

Danil Zakirov - Renton, WA

“Keto Activate helped me lose like 10 lbs of water weight the first week and an inch in my hips and chest.”

Keto Activate is delicious, nutritious and allows me to start my morning feeling focused and awake. I just blend with my coffee and grass-fed butter and voila! Quick breakfast. I think it would also be good as a milkshake mix! Yum. It’s a delicious way to satiate your sweet tooth while keeping you nourished, focused and energized all day! It’s helped keep me in ketosis, especially after I’ve had a couple cheat days. When I feel like if I stray from the diet, I can recover more quickly from cravings or energy dips.

Alison Tugwell - Austin, TX

“It gives me a boost of energy for the moments when I feel in a slump.”

Taking Keto Activate helped enhance the keto state, especially in the afternoon. I would fast until 3 pm, take the activate, and then head to work out. It gives a boost of energy for the moments when I feel in a slump. I actually think I'm too alert sometimes due to the fact I take it with an Americano. I also love to take Keto Activate before working out because of the boosted energy!

Gabby Hirata - New York City, NY

“Keto Activate has helped my mindset, knowing I can get back into ketosis quickly.”

"Before I started, I was unhappy with my weight. I was bloated, not eating right, and constantly guilting myself for eating something "bad" or avoiding workouts. I tried numerous diets and workout plans, but nothing felt sustainable to me for longer than a few weeks. I wasn't excited about the food I was eating and it became a constant job to stay on track, taking my focus away from my actual job and life. I had heard great success stories about the keto diet from friends, and based on my research it seemed like it could be a perfect fit. Since doing keto, I've lost a significant amount of weight, and noticed an increase in my energy and focus overall. I truly feel amazing. Keto Activate was a crucial component in helping me adjust to this new lifestyle. It helped me get into ketosis much faster, which has been crucial after a night out with friends where I wanted to indulge. I'm pretty strict Keto, but I never want to deprive myself of a good time out with friends, or the occasional pasta bowl here and there. Thanks to Keto Activate, I've been able to change my mindset about "cheat meals", knowing that I can get back into Ketosis quickly. I no longer beat myself up if I have something that's not "diet approved" once in a while. I feel healthy, confident, focused, and completely satisfied with the food I'm eating and the new lifestyle I've adapted."

Maddie Nieman - Venice, CA

“I recommend Keto Activate because it can help you get into ketosis.”

Keto Activate aided in raising my ketones levels. It really helped me when I felt hungry. I didn’t use it to skip meals but would have it instead as a snack. I recommend Keto Activate because it can help you get into ketosis and it can serve as a great alternative to a snack.

Alice Hage - New York City, NY

18 Little-Known Benefits of Ketones

Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping

Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping

Frequently Asked Questions


Unlike MCT oil or other powders that only boost fat content, Keto Activate contains pure chocolate ketones that rocket you straight into ketosis within 30 minutes of your first sip.

And unlike any other D-BHB ketone products, which can be bitter tasting, Keto Activate was formulated with pure chocolate as the base, and it tastes amazing.

You can mix it with your coffee for a quick energy boost to start your day, sip it late afternoon to curb those pre-dinner cravings, or even bring it to the gym for the cleanest, healthiest pre-workout drink you’ve ever experienced.

It takes about 30 minutes from your first sip to ketones completely circulating throughout your body. Which means more energy, more fat burning activity, and a supercharged metabolism.

Then it’s about maintaining the ketogenic state. The ketones will train your metabolism what being in ketosis is like, which allows you to fully skip the 2-3 week process of getting your body to produce ketones on its own.

Everyone loses weight in keto at a different speed, depending on their activity level, metabolism and most importantly, how much weight they have to lose.

For example, someone who has 100 pounds to lose will lose weight much faster (on a pound per pound basis) than someone who is just looking to lose those last 5 pounds in order to see their abs in the mirror.

The recommended weight loss most doctors recommend is 2 pounds per week. This optimum burn rate can be achieved when someone is combining keto with light daily exercise.

Once you reach the state of ketosis, you want to stay there until you reach your goals. Getting into ketosis is the hardest part, so once you get there it’s important to stay there. This is necessary to build up the ketones in your body in order to reach your maximum fat burn.

If you drink a full serving of Keto Activate every day, it’s possible you might increase your metabolism too much, and you might find you have so much energy that you’re going off in all directions at once...

You’re completing your work ahead of schedule, you’re exercising almost every day, the fat is melting off, and maybe you're spending time with your friends or family. You have energy for all that and more. And while your metabolism is ramped up very high, you might feel a bit like you’re losing weight too fast and having to buy new clothes constantly.

The recommended weight loss most doctors advise is around 2 pounds per week.

If you find you’re losing more than 2 pounds per week, we recommend switching to a half serving of Keto Activate per day, or maybe a full serving every other day. This will bring you back into the high normal range of metabolism, which is exactly where you want to be.

Due to a high risk of running out because of specific ingredients used in our proprietary blend, more and more customers are choosing the 6-tub package.

Ultimately you should make a personal decision and do what’s best for your situation, however I should point out that you can also take advantage of our free shipping by choosing the 3 or 6 pack.

You see, by taking the 3 or 6 pack, we are also able to save on shipping costs, and we pass those savings directly onto you. You also secure the greatest savings by buying in bulk.

By claiming three or six packs, it also ensures that you won’t risk running out, while in the process of metabolic recomposition, and helps you plan your fat loss journey ahead of time.

As a company that specializes in solutions for people doing keto, we highly recommend the keto diet to everyone. We are true believers, and we firmly stand by the idea that keto is the best lifestyle for health, rapid weight loss and longevity.

However, it’s been shown that the real benefit from the ketogenic diet comes from ketones circulating throughout your body, as many of our customers use Keto Activate as a ‘shortcut’ to this powerful metabolic state.

It’s also FAR different from doing keto alone. At first, your body won’t be very good at producing ketones.

So they drip out a small amount of ketones, they feel tired, they have no energy, sometimes they have flu-like symptoms, and their fat burn is very slow.

That’s why a lot of people try keto for a very short time and give up. People don’t realize that if they simply pushed through for six weeks, their body would become very good at producing ketones and soon get all of the benefits people rave about.

Your ability to produce ketones is something that builds over time. The longer you’re in keto, the better your body gets at producing ketones. It’s kind of like a muscle in that way.

Keto Activate allows you to instantly flood your body with ketones, shortcutting 6-8 weeks from the process. It’s a cheat code to the ketogenic state so you can feel what it’s like to be in extreme ketosis in a very short period of time.

If you’re already doing keto, congratulations! Keto Activate will accelerate your progress in multiple ways:

  • It allows you to bypass the ‘keto flu’ which is the stage when your body is going from burning glucose to using ketones as fuel. This is usually accompanied by a dip in energy as well as flu-like symptoms as your body makes the transition to using ketones for energy.
  • It allows you to get into keto VERY quickly, even after a ‘cheat meal’. f you fall off the wagon, Keto Activate is the absolutely fastest way to get back in.
  • It gives you an immediate ketogenic boost. So if you’ve been doing keto a while, you’re already producing ketones from the fat content of your diet. The ketones in your body are what gives keto its fat melting, cognition boosting effects. This allows you to quickly and safely boost your ketone levels above and beyond what your liver is capable of producing, which can shortcut months of being a hard-core ketoer.

The fastest, easiest way to use Keto Activate is to simply mix it into water and sip it over 10-15 minutes. Lots of people use it right before the gym or some kind of physical activity because of the significant energy boost they experience.

If you're looking for variety, simply use our included recipe guide to create delicious smoothies, shakes, brownies, mochas and other preparations.

More advanced customers have even created their own recipes and posted them in our private Facebook group to show off and share other ways they’ve found to prepare it.

YES. Keto Activate is gluten-free, vegan, and dairy-free, and contains absolutely no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

Supportive Clinical Studies

Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping

Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Transformation

6-Month Supply (6 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Superstar

3-Month Supply (3 Tubs)

/ tub


Keto Jumpstart

1-Month Supply (1 Tub)

/ tub
Plus $4.95 Shipping