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To remedy constipation, many of us simply turn to stool softeners, fiber supplements, and laxatives, which are all unhealthy in the long run. What is best is to incorporate high-fiber fruits and veggies into your daily diet. Here are six regularity-boosting, high-fiber fruits that can effectively help your constipation problems.

#1. Apples

Soluble fibers like those in apples are essential for the health of your intestines as they moisten and cleanse your intestinal linings. Apples contain a soluble fiber called pectin which can act as a laxative. It encourages smoother and faster bowel movements while making the stool soft.

Apples can be colon-cleansing no matter what form you take them in, whether it’s whole fruit, applesauce, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar. They also make great combinations with many foods like yogurt, oatmeal, cake, or crepes. You can incorporate them into certain savory dishes such as kale with apples and mustard or in salads like apple coleslaw or a spinach salad.

#2 Raspberries

Raspberries are a well-reputed source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but they benefit you in many other ways while helping the digestive system. Their fiber and water content are excellent for treating and preventing constipation and maintaining digestive health.

These berries are versatile enough to be used, fresh or frozen. You can add them to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, waffles, pancakes, and cakes. You can also use them with strawberries, pears, and peaches to make a fruit cocktail. Or you can add them to your chicken salad with walnuts and grapes.

#3. Pear

Pears contain insoluble and soluble fibers, offering digestive benefits similar to those of apples. Their skin comprises the insoluble fiber while the soluble type constitutes their pulp. When pear pulp mixes with water, it forms a colon-lubricating gel that adds volume to the stool.

Pears contain sufficient amounts of fructose and a small amount of sorbitol, which makes them a natural laxative. Sorbitol, which is an alcohol sugar, is not absorbed well, which is how it draws considerable water content into the colon. As a result, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass, aiding in healthy bowel movement.

#4. Fig

Figs are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are particularly rich in calcium. Some studies assert that they have three times more calcium than any other fruit.

Figs offer a high fiber content making them a natural laxative that aids in toning and nourishing the intestines. In addition, their fiber has excellent prebiotic properties that promote a healthy gut environment by feeding gut bacteria and strengthening overall digestive health.

#5. Avocado

Avocados are more than just the trendy fruit you spread on guacamole and toast. They are a fantastic source of soluble and insoluble fibers that can get your bowels to move and colon to clean. They also prevent colon cancer, promote healthy aging, and increase satiety, which helps with weight loss. Consuming one avocado every day is good for optimal digestion.

Recent studies have shown that this fiber-rich fruit can improve gut health by supporting bacterial diversity and lowering fecal bile acid concentrations.

Higher fecal bile concentrations can have a detrimental effect on gut health. They can lead to intestinal inflammation and encourage the growth of “bad” microbes – microbes linked to adverse health effects such as colon cancer.

#6. Kiwi

In 2021, the American Journal of Gastroenterology published an exciting study on the effectiveness of green kiwifruits, prunes, and psyllium in patients with chronic constipation. It sought to compare completely different, natural methods of treating constipation. Here’s what it found.

Prunes and psyllium are already well-established constipation home remedies that are quite effective in relieving patients – all patients reported improved bowel movements. But the real winner of the study was the kiwifruit, which achieved desired results with minimal side effects.

Although the study had its limitations (its length and group size were relatively small), it was fruitful enough to show how kiwis can speed up bowel movement.

The Takeaway

The colon is a muscular tube-like organ that absorbs nutrition from your diet and nourishes your body while processing your waste and making sure to get rid of it. For the colon to function well, it is important to eat a low-calorie, high-fiber diet. And keeping your colon clean and healthy is key to staying fit and healthy, so make it a daily priority to incorporate high-fiber fruits and vegetables into your diet.

High-fiber fruits offer an effective home remedy for constipation and regulate bowel movements. Taking a combination of these fiber-rich fruits with vegetables, seeds, and nuts, is the ideal way to improve gut health. And while all the fruits discussed above are beneficial for bowel movements, it’s best to get a mix of them instead of just focusing on one. The wider the variety of foods you eat, the more you nourish your gut with bacterial diversity. Most importantly, don't forget to hydrate yourself at frequent intervals throughout the day and get some exercise.